sábado, 29 de abril de 2023


Good afternoon friends, how are you? I just came from eating in the street. I don't know if where you live there is "chicharron" food. Aqi where I live is the most delicious dish, well one of the most delicious dishes. I really recommend you to try this dish. On youtube there are many tutorials of this dish that is delicious.

But well, that is not today's topic. I always tell you a little bit about my life because I feel that this is like a diary that someday I will come back to read and I would like to know what I did that day. Now that I am going to start college I am creating a productive routine and this time I will do much better. So, I will share with you some tips that I will apply myself.

1. Wake up when it is convenient for you

By this I mean don't necessarily wake up at 5 am. No guys, if you are more productive in the early morning or at night. Then wake up at the time that you think is best for you. It's just important to get your 8 hours of sleep.

2. Start with something you enjoy

I recommend that you consider starting the day doing something you enjoy. This will help you start the morning with a positive vibe. For example, you can listen to your favorite song or draw some sketches while you eat your breakfast. It's something that will take you 20 minutes.

3. Write a "to do" list

I love this kind of list. I'll also upload some nice templates for you to print out. Although it depends because when I used to make my lists, wow the list looked huge and I felt like I was never going to finish. But still that kind of list helps as you are completing it. I felt so much satisfaction crossing a task off that list. 

4. Write down on a sheet of paper what your ideal morning would be like

Plan what your ideal routine would look like and just do it.  But obviously, make sure it is realistic and achievable for you. For example, don't say you're going to the gym every morning but you don't have a gym nearby. Remember that you have to create habits.

5. Set smaller goals

Finally, I recommend that you start with small goals that you can easily achieve.

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