lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023



Hello friends, how are you? I know you are looking for ideas to remodel your kitchen. I really love to look for ideas because I can't believe the variety of kitchens that exist all over the world. Wow, I don't know which one to choose, in fact, I want it all. Let me tell you something, very soon I will be remodeling my mom's kitchen so I have been looking for some ideas on how to remodel my mom's kitchen.

On the internet there is everything from country kitchens to modern kitchens. Unless you're going for a minimalist look, empty walls are boring to some people. Although being honest I love all white. It just feels cleaner. But. well if you like colorful, it's time to spice up your kitchen by adding some decor. Next I'll give you 15 inspirational ideas for your kitchen.

Remember that it's important to always consider a large space to work with when you cook. But if you have a small kitchen, it doesn't matter, there are also incredible models. So if you have a small kitchen and you are wondering what kind of furniture to choose to go with the decor, you should always think in terms of optimizing as much space as possible. So without a doubt, the best choice will be custom-made furniture. Because when we go to furniture stores, we mostly find large furniture. So it is better to design it and the great thing about that is that it will look the way we want.

A small kitchen with white furniture will always be the best option, as this will help to create a brighter and more spacious space. You can accompany this type of furniture with small details in wood color. 

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