lunes, 1 de mayo de 2023



Good evening dear readers, how are you? I am still nervous because I am going back to school. You don't know how much stress it has generated in me. The good thing about going back to school is that I will be busy and won't have much time to overthink.

I don't know if it happens to you, but I'm going to tell you something and I don't know if it's the same for you. When I was a teenager or even now when I'm not doing anything, I overthink things and negative things come to my mind. I don't know why I always think negative things about myself, and it makes me sad. So, I always look for some tips to cope with that. 

So, I am going to share with you some tips to help me stop negative thoughts. I hope it will help you too. Remember that you are not alone. If you want help you can talk to me on instagram and I will get back to you.

- When the negative thought comes up, say "it's not true". That helps a lot.

- Visualize the image of the thought shrinking until it disappears. Get it all away from you. 

- Change your negative thoughts by adding a new routine to your thought process: daily reflection, affirmation or meditation.

- Meditate. There are a lot of videos on youtube about this.

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