martes, 20 de agosto de 2024


Good evening dear readers, how are you? I'm very excited because I'm watching the new season of Emily in Paris, you don't know how much I love that show. If you haven't seen it, I really don't know what you are waiting for to go to your tv and turn on play.

Well now let's talk about today's post and this time we are going to dive into some fabulous hairstyle ideas and essential tips for taking care of those gorgeous waves. So I hope you enjoy this post.

Wavy hair is a beautiful combination of straight and curly textures that can sometimes be a little tricky to manage, but don't worry I'll tell you some easy and stylish solutions to look your best. 

First of all I say enjoy your natural waves with a tousled look by applying a sea salt spray for a carefree and effortless look. If you want a more polished look, try loose waves with a curling iron or braid your hair at night for soft, romantic waves in the morning. All this without using a flat iron, just natural. 

But if you fancy a change, consider adding layers to your wavy hair to add volume and movement. Layers can help enhance your natural texture and create a more beautiful look.

Now for some tips on how to keep your wavy hair beautiful, it's essential to use products specifically designed for wavy hair. Opt for a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to avoid stripping your hair of its natural oils. In addition to a moisturizing mask once a week can do wonders to keep your waves soft and manageable. And most importantly, remember when styling your hair, do it gently to avoid unnecessary frizz. 


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